Disney Waiters

One year ago I went on a Disney cruise for my birthday but it feels like it was yesterday.

Right before we ate I had to put on a nice shirt and nice pants, after that we had to go wait. While we were waiting I told my mother,”I’m glad they have seats in the windows because my legs were getting tired like a bear during hibernation.”

We finally got in and I started to get sleepy then our waiter came and saw that I was sleepy so he said,”Get up please.” I didn’t know what he was going to do, then he got chairs and made a bed out of them, also he got a napkin and used it as a pillow after that he got some more napkins and used them as a blanket, I lied down on it and I fell asleep. Then I woke up and I just keep laughing and saying,”I can’t believe he did that.”

By the way always enjoy the time you have with your family but more on important days.

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